Stress Management
WHAT IS STRESS? Stress is the way your body reacts to any kind of demand, change, or threat that you experience. You may simply recognise it as a feeling of feeling chronically overwhelmed.
The ‘stress response’ is the same as the ‘flight-or-fight’ response produced by your body when you sense real or perceived danger. It actually aims to protect you against potential threats. In the right doses, it may help you stay focussed, alert, and energetic. However, beyond a certain point, stress may cause serious damage to your health, be it physical, emotional, or spiritual. It may disrupt the overall quality of your life by having a negative effect on your mood, productivity, and relationships.

Identifying the signs and symptoms of stress
The following signs and symptoms indicate that you are stressed out and your body might be looking for some stress relief:
A sense of a racing heart
Body aches and pains
Fatigue but difficulty properly relaxing and resting
Chest pain
Diarrhoea or constipation
Frequent colds
Loss of sex drive
Difficulty concentrating
Poor judgement
Memory problems
Constant worrying
Agitation and short-temper
Irritability and inability to relax
Feelings of overwhelm
Sadness or depression
Sense of loneliness
Mood swings
Fantasising escaping current difficulties yet feeling stuck
A change in appetite
Social withdrawal
Sleeping too much or too little
Procrastination or neglect of responsibilities
Consuming alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes to relax
Nervous habits, such as nail biting and frequent pacing
Snappy and impatient in interactions

Stress management
If you are experiencing any of the aforementioned symptoms, your stress levels have probably crossed the normal limit and it is time to take the reins of your life back!
There are several effective techniques for stress management now that you’ve recognised the warning signs and identified the symptoms.
To take full control of your stress management, you would typically have to change the stressful situation and learn ways to handle things better.
Stress management techniques that can help to provide relief
Manage tasks and don’t waste time in your day on non-productive tasks or conversations
Exercise regularly and follow a healthy lifestyle
Connect with others socially whose company you find uplifting
Find time for the things you enjoy
Set priorities and learn to say ‘no’
Change the stressful situations you can, and learn techniques to adapt to those you cannot change
Explore and benefit from stress management programs such as Mindfulness meditation
Stress management & counselling | Adelaide Psychology Clinic
At Kensington Psychology & Well-Being, a specialised team of Adelaide stress Psychologists awaits to give you the much-needed stress relief you truly deserve.
An expert stress Psychologist will help you deal with your stress effectively and teach you strategies and relaxation techniques to keep your stress at bay.

Adelaide Psychologists & Therapists | Stress counselling & management
Getting in touch with us ...
We offer a comprehensive range of services to treat and nurture the body and mind and get you back on the path to health and well-being.
If your stress levels have reached a dangerous point where you are having suicidal thoughts and / or using drugs and alcohol to cope with it, please do not wait to see your GP or contact LifeLine on 131 114.
For longer-term help to regain your resilience and manage your life better, please reach out to the Kensington Psychology & Well-Being team regarding our services, by calling us on 08 7006 5225 or via our Online Contact Form.