Sleep Therapy and Insomnia
How can a psychologist help with sleep, you may ask, isn’t sleep a physiological process? Well, yes, and no. Sleep is also intimately tied to our emotional state. Most of us have found ourselves tossing and turning in stressful times, before a significant event, or even before an early morning flight. Stress and anxiety are major sources of insomnia and fretful sleep. Furthermore, depression tends to affect sleep as well, causing oversleeping, early morning waking, or restless sleep. The last few years have seen the rise of social media impacting sleep, especially with young people.
Needless to say, we all need a good night’s sleep to function effectively, have a resilient and optimistic mood, a good immune system, and a general sense of well-being.
Psychologists play an important role in assisting individuals grappling with sleep problems, leveraging their expertise in understanding the intricate interplay between thoughts, emotions, and behaviours, and offering techniques to help.

Factors that Influence Poor Sleep
It is important to understand the causes of sleep disruption, and it helps to talk this through with a psychologist, if a medical cause has been excluded.
Some factors that might impact sleep include:
Underlying psychological issues such as worry
Stress and anxiety
Lifestyle factors
Bad “sleep hygiene”
Erratic bedtime routines
Substance abuse
Negative beliefs about sleep
Poor time-management
Screens and activities before bedtime
Smartphone addiction
Challenging life circumstances.
Psychologists can help by navigating the complex terrain of underlying psychological factors contributing to sleep disturbances like stress, anxiety, depression or and trauma. By delving into the root causes of these issues, a psychologist can collaboratively develop tailored coping mechanisms and stress management techniques, effectively addressing the psychological barriers impeding restorative sleep. Strategies may be taught such as progressive relaxation, mindfulness, meditation, managing intrusive thoughts and addressing underlying psychological concerns.

What constitutes good sleep then?
A good night’s sleep is a subjective experience, but there are some factors that most of us agree on:
Feeling refreshed and energised upon waking
A brain that is clear, can problem solve well and make wise, effective decisions
Functioning optimally at work, school, driving etc
A steady good mood with patience and motivation for tasks
Reduced need for stimulants such as coffee
Better immunity and general health.
It’s clear then that sleep is integral to our physical, mental, and social health. Restorative sleep is foundational to living your best life, and psychologists can help you get there naturally.
Sleep and Insomnia Therapy | Adelaide Psychology Clinic
Our compassionate and professional therapists can help you attain restful and restorative sleep.
With our training, knowledge and extensive experience, our Psychologists and Therapists can help you better cope with your underlying causes of sleep disruption and give you tools to overcome sleep difficulties.
Help is available and there are natural treatments that work. Contact us for more information or to make an appointment at 08 7006 5225 or visit our psychologists page with the button below.

Adelaide Psychologists & Therapists | sleep and insomnia
Get in touch with us
We offer a comprehensive range of services to treat and nurture the body and mind and get you back on the path to health and well-being.
If you’re ready to reach out to the Kensington Psychology & Well-Being team regarding our services, please get in touch by calling us on 08 7006 5225 or via our Online Contact Form.
If you are having suicidal thoughts or abusing medication or other substances, please don’t delay in seeking help. If the matter is urgent, please contact your GP or Lifeline on 131 114.